At the beginning of the AS Media coursework I felt I had insignificant knowledge about the theoretical side of media seeing as I only started studying Media in Sixth Form where as my fellow students had studied Media at GCSE level. On the other hand I felt I had competent knowledge and skill in the practical side. This assisted me greatly when it came to producing the opening title sequence. This progression from nervous to confidence was highly significant.
My theoretical and practical knowledge has further progressed steadily through practical experience, learning from teacher and fellow members of my group. My organisation and self confidence has progressed since the begging of the coursework. I feel I work well both individually and in a group, however I find it difficult to trust some people to pull their weight.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Posted by Andrew Johnson at 4:46 pm 0 comments
Rough Cut
Improvments to be made to Rough cut after meeting with teacher:
-Include titles over footage - allows more footage
-Editing needs to be adjusted on shoot number 2
-Change shot of female to over shoulder shot
-Include more footage of Male character - Where does he end up? - different rooms - his enviroment
-Classic shot of charcter falling over
-Last 3 titles over black
-Could clear up after himself
Posted by Andrew Johnson at 4:45 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Shoot 2
Saturday 24th - Filming went well. All shots requiring to be redone where completed in addition shots outside where completed. Team work worked well again with effective directing from Georgia. However poor lighting conditions made shots unusable. As a result group needs to rethink location and timing of the shoot. Relocation is due to the scarce woods at chosen location. Next filming is on 1st February.
Posted by Andrew Johnson at 11:53 am 0 comments
Shoot 1
Wednesday 21st - We managed to shoot all planed shots. Filming went well, all shots where steady and a variety of shots where taken. Our group communicated and worked efficiently together. However improvements could be made.
Posted by Andrew Johnson at 11:41 am 0 comments