Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Certificate Rating - British Board Of Film Classification

cm-15.gif There may be frequent use of strong language however the strongest terms are acceptable in context however continued use is not acceptable. Nudity is allowed in a sexual content but not in strong detail. No constraints on nudity if not in a sexual context. Violence may be shown but without strong detail. May not dwell upon the pain inflicted on the character. Dangerous techniques such as suicide and self harming should not be dwelt upon. Accessibility to lethal weapons can not be glamorised. Strong 'gorry' images are not permitted however repeated scenes of threat and menace are. Drug taking may be shown must not encourage drug misuse.

cm-18.gif BBFC findings show that at the age of 18 a person should be entitled to see whatever they wish as they are an adult. However exceptions include the promotion of dangerous acts (both to the individual and society). They may also stop the portrays of sexual assault which endorse assault. Sexual scenes must be justified in the text.

I believe our work will be targeted at the classification of 15. This is because those producing it are of similar age but slightly older. This means we will know what the age range expect from a Thriller film and also have the knowledge to know what is acceptable to be shown in the film. In addition we don't plan to include any scenes of a sexual nature in our opening. However the classification will not be lower than an 15 as we plan to include some suspense and violence scenes which fall into the classification of 15. Furthermore the use of violence and sex etc. must be justified in the context of the piece. This means we will not include scenes of a violent nature for no reason.